- The use of the Vesta Thermal Hotel wellness and experience bath (hereinafter referred to as "the facility") is only permitted by adhering to the HOUSE RULES. By purchasing the entrance ticket, the bath's guests acknowledge the validity of the HOUSE RULES for themselves. Guests who do not accept or violate the rules may be denied service, and in justified cases, may be removed from the premises by the facility's staff.
- The facility’s opening hours for hotel guests are from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. External guests may use the wellness and pool areas and saunas from 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Any changes to the operating hours will be posted on the information board at the reception.
- Entrance ticket prices are available at the reception and on the Vesta Thermal Hotel website. When purchasing an entrance ticket, guests receive a colored wristband that validates their right to use the facility, which must be worn visibly on the wrist until departure.
- Lockers are available at the reception, with a deposit fee of 1,000 HUF for the key.
- Discounted tickets and passes can be obtained with valid identification (student or senior card). Please present the discount card upon request.
- Seasonal passes are valid until the specified date and cannot be refunded or extended. The availability of passes and external daily tickets depends on the occupancy of the facility.
- Guests using the facility do so at their own risk.
- Children under 3 years of age do not need to pay an entrance fee. Children under 6 years may only use the facility’s pools under parental supervision. Children under 14 must be continuously supervised by an adult and may only use the pools and water slides under their supervision.
- For safety reasons, non-swimmers are not allowed to use the deep-water pools.
- Sauna use is recommended for guests over 14 years of age, and the use is subject to compliance with the sauna's house rules.
- Thermal pools are available for guests aged 14 and older, in accordance with regulations. Jumping, ball games, and splashing are prohibited in the thermal pools.
- The facility's maximum capacity is monitored by staff, who may remind guests to observe the pool's occupancy limits. We kindly ask you to adhere to the pool's usage time and capacity as requested by our staff.
- Valuables must be placed in the safe at the reception (1,000 HUF) for safekeeping. The facility is only responsible for items placed in the safe, up to a value of 150,000 HUF.
- The locker rooms may be used at the user's own risk. The operator of Magdolna Residential Park Ltd. is not responsible for any items left unattended in these areas or elsewhere within the facility, nor for any damage caused by lost items on the premises. We kindly remind our guests not to leave personal belongings unattended and to take care of their valuables.
- Any form of vandalism, theft, or attempted theft will be reported to the police.
- Lost items should be handed over to the reception! Lost or found items will be registered at the reception, and the rightful owner can retrieve them there.
- Persons with fever, infectious diseases, skin conditions, open wounds, or under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or intoxicating drugs, as well as those in unclean clothing or who are poorly groomed, are not allowed to enter or remain on the premises. Facility staff may refuse access to such individuals.
- Compliance with health and hygiene regulations is required within the facility. Before using the pools, guests must use the shower and footbath.
- For men, wearing swim trunks and for women, a bikini or swimsuit is mandatory in the pools! Swimming in street clothes or underwear is prohibited!
- From the age of 7, it is forbidden for individuals of the opposite sex to enter or stay in designated changing rooms or showers!
- The facility management may temporarily suspend the use of outdoor pools due to extreme weather conditions (lightning, windstorm) for safety reasons. In such cases, the operator is not liable for any compensation.
- For technical or other reasons, the closure of water slides or pools will be indicated with warning tape, signs, and pictograms. It is forbidden for guests to enter closed areas or use closed pools or equipment! Guests who ignore closure and warning signs are responsible for any accidents that occur and any damage to the facility's reputation.
- In case of a service reduction due to any of the above reasons, the operator reserves the right to adjust the pricing at their discretion.
- Guests are to take care with the facility’s equipment, furnishings, and rental items. If any damage is caused intentionally or negligently, Magdolna Residential Park Ltd. may require compensation and initiate legal action for damages.
- In case of extraordinary events or accidents, please notify the reception immediately!
- Ball games may only be played in designated areas.
- No games or behavior that endanger the physical well-being of others or disturb the peace of guests wishing to relax in the pool areas are allowed. Facility staff is required to ensure order, with the help of authorities if necessary.
- Designated pathways and stairs must be used within the facility. Special care must be taken to avoid injuries (e.g., slipping, tripping, bumping, etc.).
- Guests are prohibited from entering closed areas or using closed equipment and pools.
- Guests may freely use the landscaped relaxation and sunbathing areas.
- Requests and instructions from staff, security guards, and facility employees must always be followed!
- Guests are not allowed to bring fragile items into the pool, eat, use toiletries, pollute the water, or use the pools with sandy or oily bodies. It is mandatory to use the shower and footbath before entering the pool.
- Jumping into the pools from the side or diving is prohibited!
- It is forbidden to consume narcotics, litter, make a fire, bring vehicles, animals, accident-causing objects, roller skates, or skateboards into the facility, cause panic, or engage in behavior that violates public order or morality!
- Smoking is prohibited outside the designated smoking area within the pool area! The designated smoking area for guests is located in the outdoor garden, covered and clearly marked with signs.
- Please dispose of trash and waste in the designated waste collection bins.
- The garden sprinklers contain industrial water, which is not safe to drink!
- By purchasing an entry ticket, the guest agrees that any photos or recordings made within the facility may be used by the facility for their promotional and advertising activities.
- By purchasing an entry ticket, the guest acknowledges that a security camera system operates on the premises, as indicated by posted signs.